Yahoo’s Services & Data Controllers in Europe, the Middle East & Africa
Except as set out below, “Yahoo” means Yahoo EMEA Limited, the Irish established company that supplies the Services to you (and acts as data controller of the personal data Yahoo collects when you use those Services). If you are a user of Sky | Yahoo Mail the following applies:
- Sky | Yahoo Mail user, "Yahoo" means Yahoo UK Limited, a UK established company, which acts as a controller of personal data in relation to your use of Sky | Yahoo Mail, and the Yahoo Address Book, Yahoo Calendar, and Yahoo Notepad products within Sky | Yahoo Mail. Sky UK Limited is also an independent controller of this personal data. But please note that Yahoo EMEA Limited provides advertising in and around such Sky | Yahoo Mail products (and controls data relating to such advertising).
If you are a Sky | Yahoo Mail user and have any questions about how your personal information is processed by Yahoo, the quickest and easiest way to contact us is to use our online Privacy Form.
You can also contact the Yahoo UK Limited Data Protection Officer by email to or by post to The Data Protection Officer, Yahoo EMEA Limited, The EXO Building, North Wall Quay, Dublin 1, D01 W5Y2, Ireland.
You can also contact Yahoo UK Limited by post at the following address:
The Privacy Team,
Yahoo UK Limited,
MidCity Place,
71 High Holborn,