
This page describes Yahoo’s privacy practices with respect to your location information.

Collection of Information

To provide you with more relevant experiences, Yahoo may collect or derive your location, including:

  • Pinpointed Physical Location
    If you provide permission through your device, browser or with Yahoo directly, Yahoo may obtain pinpointed physical location information from technologies such as GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or mobile tower proximity.
  • Content you provide 
    • Yahoo may collect location information from content you provide, including attachments, photos, videos and other information
  •  Locations You Entered 
    • Yahoo may collect locations that you searched for in certain brands, websites, apps, advertising services, products, services or technologies (“Services”) (such as Search and Maps).
    •  Locations added by you through the Location Settings page are also collected by Yahoo.
    •  You may be asked to provide a location such as a postcode. Yahoo may use this information to provide a starting point for location-aware Services.
  • IP Address
  • Yahoo may use your IP address to derive information about where your device is generally located. Please refer to IP address for more information.
  • The yahoo Family of Companies and Partner Location Information 
  • As part of the Yahoo family of companies, Yahoo and its affiliates may share the location information it receives among other Yahoo affiliates, including the Yahoo family of companies and any companies that become affiliates. Yahoo affiliates use the information consistent with their privacy policies.  
  • Yahoo may work with selected partners to obtain location information about some of our registered users. For more information, see Appended and matched data.
    • Yahoo may receive location data from third parties that you have linked your account with. See Privacy Controls for your options regarding your accounts.

Use of Information

  • Yahoo may access, store and use the location information described above to provide Services such as: enhanced location-based services, serve location-targeted advertising, search results and other content. Yahoo may maintain a history of your locations. Refer to the “Managing your location information” section below for more details on your control of this information.
  • Other uses of location information may include determining the appropriate language for presenting a website, conducting product analysis, and assisting in the detection of fraud and abuse.
  • Yahoo may classify your location as “Current” and/or “Favourite” locations. Visit our Location Help page to learn more.

Sharing of Information

  • Yahoo and its affiliates may share the location information it receives among other Yahoo affiliates, and any companies that become affiliates. Yahoo affiliates use the information consistent with their privacy policies.
  • With your consent, Yahoo may share precise location information and other information that could reasonably identify you with third parties. Please note that third parties’ use of location information that you provide to them is subject to their own privacy policies and not the Yahoo Privacy Policy.

Your Choices